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Abel Tasman

Personal details

Full Name:

Abel Janszoon Tasman


1602 to 1603 – 1659 (year uncertain)


Abel Tasman
The dutch explorer Abel Tasman is officially recognised as the first European to ‘discover’ New Zealand in 1642. His men were the first Europeans to have a confirmed encounter with Māori.

Events In History

18 December 1642

Abel Tasman’s Dutch East India Company expedition had the first known European contact with Māori. It did not go well.

13 December 1642

Towards noon the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman sighted 'a large land, uplifted high', possibly the peaks of the Paparoa Range behind Punakaiki.

Gannets – served as 'Goose pye' –  were used for James Cook's first New Zealand Christmas meal.