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Food in the 20th century

The pavlova - that frothy, baked confection of egg whites and sugar - has long been seen as an icon of New Zealand cuisine; its place of origin has been debated with Australians for just as long in one of the many instances of trans-Tasman rivalry. Read the full article

Page 1 - Food in 20th century New Zealand

The pavlova - that frothy, baked confection of egg whites and sugar - has long been seen as an icon of New Zealand cuisine; its place of origin has been debated with Australians

Page 2 - Dining out

 Before the 1960s, New Zealanders had a limited choice both of venue and of food if they wanted to dine

Life in the 20th century

Exploration of everyday life in New Zealand from 1900 to the mid-1980s Read the full article

Page 7 - A land of plenty

Typical New Zealand meals (particularly in the country) until at least the 1970s featured hearty morning and afternoon teas of homemade scones, biscuits and cakes; rich dinners of

Main image: The Matterhorn
A history of The Matterhorn, 106 Cuba St, Wellington.

Images and media for Dining