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British & Irish immigration, 1840-1914

Who were the ancestors of Pākehā New Zealand? Where did they come from and what sort of people were they? These are some of the questions which this feature sets out to answer. Read the full article

Page 2 - Overview - immigration to New Zealand 1840-1914

Overview of immigration trends

Page 3 - Where did they come from?

The composition of the inflow from Britain and Ireland was quite different from the composition of the United Kingdom as a whole.

Page 5 - Scottish immigrants

Table and graph showing which part of Scotland immigrants to New Zealand came

Page 7 - Where did immigrants move to?

British-born population living in New Zealand provinces in

Page 8 - Who were the immigrants?

Graph of figures taken from the death certificates of British and Irish immigrants to New Zealand (which include information on the father's

Page 9 - Conclusions about immigration 1840-1914

These statistics suggest some larger conclusions about the character and values of New Zealand's founding Pākehā

Page 10 - Further information

Further sources relating to British and Irish immigration to New Zealand, including pdfs of more detailed information and

Governors and Governors-General

New Zealand has had 16 resident governors and 22 governors-general. Two early governors were called governor-in-chief. Read the full article

Page 4 - Genes, gender and age

From 1840 until 1972, New Zealand's governors and governors-general were

The composition of the inflow from Britain and Ireland was quite different from the composition of the United Kingdom as a whole.